...your brain will fall out.
I don't even remember the origin of the quote anymore, but it certainly reflects my mood as of late.
Over the past several months, as this whole Occupy protest has gone on, I've noticed a lot more activity in my daily news feed from supporters of the movement. Of those that actively promote it in my facebook feed, one has a good grasp on what the protest is for and what needs to change, and the rest appear to have absolutely no idea why anything needs to change, as long as it's anti-corporation and critical of the current government.
Camping out in public parks is a great way to waste space, but without a clear idea of what demands are necessariy to further political change, it's just a campground. Upon questioning my friends who are supporters of the Occupy movement, the two most clear responses I've gotten are essentially "corporations should be in it for the money" and "we need to become a tribal community and cut out our luxuries." That's a pretty broad spectrum, don't you think? No wonder they call themselves the %99.
But I digress. I don't really have anything more to say about this protest than anyone else does, and I'm almost certainly ignorant of the main issues that the protest raises. What I really noticed through all this madness is that there are a lot of videos being posted by supporters of Occupy that promote absolute nonsense. I've seen multiple videos now that support and advocate for FREE ENERGY!! Wow, free energy, that sounds too good to be true, eh? Turns out it is too good to be true.
Why? Because you can't get more energy out of a system than what you put in. That's a fact, and nothing to the contrary has ever been observed. What I criticized said video (just one of the things I do that drives people crazy and makes them not want to associate with me), one response struck me as.... peculiar. I was directed to a series of links to crank websites about people opening up the power of the mind and how everyone creates their own reality. It's this second point that I'd like to address, because it seems to run counterintuitive to activism.
If we all create our own realities, and every opinion is just as valid as the next, why does anything need to change at all? Couldn't you just structure a new reality for yourself that doesn't have these problems?
No. Why? Because the world doesn't work like that, and we're forced to live our lives as if the opposite was true: that we live in a society with other human beings, our actions influence their lives, and there is a difference between true and false. Whether we believe it or not, we have to adjust to this, because every time we test whether something is or isn't, it turns out it's one of the two!
Whatever this Occupy movement is to this breed of people, it isn't working on anyone that doesn't get why they're doing what they're doing. If it doesn't matter that anyone like me agrees or disagrees, there's no need to protest because there's no need to try and change my mind, and if it DOES matter, then see what real solutions you can give that might change my mind; my mind is open. But not so open that my brain will fall out.
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